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This is the 5th generation Quad mode meter from Cornet Microsystems.


ED98QPro5G (0.1-8GHz) Quad-mode RF/LF Electrosmog field strength power meter with built-in Gauss meter, Electric Field meter, Frequency counter, Light Flicker meter and Data Logging/Recording/USB interface to PC.


A very useful EMF meter which has a whole range of functions. 

This latest model is a high performance, reliable EMF meter which recognises and displays 5G bands. This latest model also includes a light flicker meter which is useful for measuring the flicker rate of light bulbs.



Quad-mode of operation

- (RF mode): High frequency RF Broadband

- (Gauss mode): Low frequency Magnetic field

- (Electric Field mode): Low frequency Electric field

- (Light FLicker mode): Light Flicker % rate


Frequency range & sensitivity

- RF mode: 100MHz to 8.0GHz, -65dBm to +5dBm, 0.008v/m-26v/m, 0.18uw/m2 to 1.8 w/m2

- Gauss mode: (1)50Hz to 10KHz, (0.1uT to 50uT)/ (1mG to 500mG) (2)50Hz to 1KHz, (0.01uT to 1uT)/ (0.1mG to 10mG)

- Electric field mode: 50Hz - 50KHz (10v/m to 1000v/m)

- Light Flicker mode: 400-700THz (400-700nm) visual light flicker rate (0% to 80%)


Frequency Display: Built-in 100MHz to 4.2GHz Real time Frequency counter , support all 5G mobile frequency bands* including the new C-band 3.5GHz.

(*except millimeter wave bands).


Signal : Analog RF(AM/FM) and high speed digital burst RF, GSM,TDMA,CDMA,PCS, Wi-Fi 2.4GH, 5.8GHz, WiFi6, WiFi6e, 3.6GHz Ultra-Wide-band, 3G, 4G and 5G mobile frequency bands, 5G C-band 3.5GHz, AC smart meter. AC high voltage power line, Transformer, Motor, Appliance EMF. Display mode: dBm, mW/m2, V/m, uT, mGauss, MHz Display.


LCD graphics with multi-digit power level display, moving histogram, level bar display, color LED segment display.


Functions: RF field strength power level, LF magnetic field strength, Electric Field strength, RF signal frequency, Hold, MAX, Peak Average, Whole Average.


Sound output: Demodulated RF signal audio output for signal sound signature detection and very low level signal detection. Also for analog data logging.


Audio Alarm: Programmable audio alarm output for RF signal level monitoring.


Custom LED segment display level: Adjustable color LED segment display threshold level for different safety standards, (such as SBM2008 recommendation).


Duty cycle: Duty cycle of digital RF pulse signal is displayed in real time.


5G signal frequency indicator: Detect 5G mobile band signal, show 5G frequency mark and frequency on the display when 5G mobile band signal is detected.


Sampling rate: Ultra fast sampling rate of 25000 times/sec. for modern digital RF pulse signals, capture very short RF bursts signal down to 100 micro seconds (such as in DECT cordless phones).


Real time waveform & statistical datawindow: Show real-time waveform and statistical data of detected signal on the LCD display for radiation safety.


Data Logging: Log the received signal level and frequency up to 50 Hours or down to 1msec/sample in the meter's memory. Excellent for Smart meter monitoring, long survey session and digital RF signal identification such as 3G, 4G, 5G, Wifi, Bluetooth etc.


Data Logging view mode: Logged data can be display and reviewed on the LCD display graphic window of the meter with moving cursor for signal analysis without the need to connect to the PC computer.


PC Interface: USB interface port to send the Logged data to PC computer.


Requires 9v Battery (not supplied).

Cornet ED98QPro5G EMF Meter

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